Tito Tomasi is an eccentric, adventure-loving artist living in the Savoy region of France. He spends his days painting, mountain biking, snowboarding, and enjoying the mountains however he can. By practicing various disciplines, he searches for the links between each one in an effort to create wonderful cross-pollinations of sport, nature, and art.
When winter comes Tomasi hunkers down and designs a new helmet for himself before testing it in some choice powder bowls. Then, just for kicks, he hops on the bike and hits the slippery, snowy trails. You never know quite what to expect with Tomasi and that's just the way he likes it.
Director: Tito Tomasi
Producer: Tito Tomasi
Athletes: Tito Tomasi
Sports: Adventure, Mountain Biking
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Mountain Man | One World One Love with Tito Tomasi, Ep. 2
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